
来自:奇番网     发表于:2019-09-16 18:06:29     浏览:100次 关键词:工业光魔视觉效果总监JohnKnoll 光魔IMocap研发应用分享


近期有朋友在后台留言询问关于ILM在Mocap上的解决办法,尤其是现在ILM在演员动捕服装上的设计,有朋友很好奇究竟演员身上穿的是什么?什么材质?为什么这么设计……刚好,HI VFX近期发现一篇非常详细的介绍,一起分享大家。




IMocap的起源/如何工作/IMocap在《加勒比海盗2/3》的应用经验分享/IMocap在《加勒比海盗2/3》的工作流介绍/IMocap技术的升级进化历程   今天,主要分享 前三个内容!分享嘉宾  工业光魔视效总监: John Knoll /工业光魔工程师:Kevin Wooley




3.如何跟踪标记(Tracking Markers)最能协助视效工作

4.Motion Capture的简称叫什么;Encode Cam如何帮助导演和视效完成画面

5.什么是motion control,何时使用,需要哪些基本设备和注意事项

When most people think about the motion capture of actors, they are probably thinking about eitheroptical capture (where cameras pick up markers on a suit)orinertial capture systems (which make use of magnets, accelerometers and gyroscopes inside a suit).


Butanother kind of capture, image-based capture (sometimes dubbed ‘faux cap’) is now also very common in helping to re-create on-set performances by utilizing suits with specific tracking markers on them and sometimes multiple witness cameras to help triangulate the performance in 3D space.A pioneer in this area was ILM, which launched its patented IMocap technology during the second Pirates of the Caribbean film, Dead Man’s Chest, in 2006.

另一种捕捉,基于图像的捕捉(有时被称为“faux cap”),现在也非常普遍,通过使用带有特定跟踪标记的套装,有时使用多个目击者相机,帮助在3D空间中三角测量性能,来帮助重现现场表演。这一领域的先驱是ILM,该公司在2006年加勒比海盗系列电影《加勒比海盗》第二部期间推出了IMocap专利技术。

IMocap: the beginnings

On the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, The Curse of the Black Pearl, ILM had, among several other effects challenges, realized a number of fully CG skeletal pirates, with a combination of optical motion capture and keyframe animation.Visual effects supervisor John Knoll, now chief creative officer at ILM, and animation supervisor, Hal Hickel, felt that something different was needed for the sequel, especially to realize the tentacled star Davy Jones.

在加勒比海盗系列电影的第一部《黑珍珠号的诅咒》中,ILM在众多特效挑战中,结合了光学运动捕捉和关键帧动画,实现了一系列完整的CG骨骼海盗。视觉效果总监John Knoll现在是ILM的首席创意官,动画总监Hal Hickel认为续集需要一些不同的东西,尤其是要实现触手可及的明星Davy Jones。

“The original inspiration for IMocap came out of a conversation that Hal Hickel and I had with director Gore Verbinski on the first Pirates of the Caribbean film,” relates Knoll. “Gore had told us that he intended Davy and crew to be all digital characters on the second film in the series.From the team’s experiences on Pirates 1, the manual matchamation done was time consuming and not particularly accurate. We had also had a failed attempt at doing optical mocap later to match, but Gore rejected it because we were essentially substituting a different performance into the shot.”

“IMocap最初的灵感来自我和Hal Hickel与导演Gore Verbinski在《加勒比海盗》第一部中的一次对话,”Knoll说Gore曾告诉我们,他打算让Davy和摄制组在这部系列电影的第二部中都扮演数码角色。从团队在《加勒比海盗1》中的经验来看,手动匹配非常耗时,而且并不特别准确。我们后来也尝试过用光学mocap来匹配,但失败了,但戈尔拒绝了,因为我们实际上是在用不同的性能来替代镜头。

Since Davy and crew were always CG and didn’t have to make transitions like the pirates in the first film, Hal, recalls Knoll, thought ILM could put tracking marks on the performers to help get better matchamation.



“I remembered seeing a demo from ILM’s R&D department on how they did a two-camera mocap solve on Pearl Harbor for tiny digital stuntmen tumbling off the deck of a sinking battleship,” says Knoll. “That got me thinking about a similar witness camera approach, where we suit a performer with tracking marks of some kind, and shoot the performance with witness cameras to triangulate positions.


A meeting was set up with ILM’s R&D group to lay out the challenge for some kind of on-set system that could help with matchamation. “The goal,” notes Knoll, “was to get close to optical motion capture quality, but with a small footprint on set, and able to handle difficult location shooting conditions.”


The stipulation was that there would be no constraints on cameras or lighting (visual effects artists will know that there has traditionally been a stigma associated with VFX taking up precious time on set). “We wanted to come up with a performance capture system that had an extremely small on-set footprint and was portable, since we knew that the upcoming films would involve complicated sets and a great deal of location work,” adds Knoll.


How IMocap works

It’s important to note that IMocap is not just about the suit. The system is heavily based in extracting data from the plate and witness cameras.“The original concept was to use ILM’s Academy Award-winning tracking and matchmoving software, M.A.R.S., to see if we could solve the motion of a skeleton,” explains Knoll. “We could already track and solve rigid objects with M.A.R.S. and the idea was to attach rigid, three-dimensional objects of known size and shape to the performer for tracking, and translate their motion into the motion of a simple, mocap-style skeleton. These objects are what became the “ILM IMocap Bands.”

需要注意的是,IMocap不仅仅是关于服装的。该系统主要基于从素材和目击者相机中提取数据。最初的想法是使用ILM获得奥斯卡奖的跟踪和匹配移动软件M.A.R.S.,看看我们是否能解决骨骼的运动,”Knoll解释说。“我们已经可以用M.A.R.S.追踪和解决刚性物体,我们的想法是将已知大小和形状的刚性三维物体附加到表演者身上,让他们进行追踪,并将他们的运动转化为一个简单的、mocap风格的骨架运动。”这些物体就是后来的“ILM IMocap条带附属物”

Indeed,the original architect of IMocap was ILM R&D supervisor Steve Sullivan (who, along with engineers Kevin Wooley, Brett Allen and Colin Davidson, received a Scientific & Engineering Technical Achievement Academy Award in 2010 for IMocap).

事实上,IMocap最初的架构师是ILM研发主管Steve Sullivan(他与工程师Kevin Wooley、Brett Allen和Colin Davidson一起,于2010年因IMocap获得了科学与工程技术成就奖)。

“Steve has a PhD in computer vision and was the original author of the first version of ILM’s M.A.R.S. tracking system, for which he also won an AMPAS Technical Achievement Award in 2001,” says Knoll. “Colin Davidson was one of the main developers of IMocap. Colin, who also has a PhD in computer vision was responsible for the core solver that was used on Pirates 2. Brett Allen, another computer vision PhD, was also one of the core engineers in the development after Pirates 2, and also developed ILM’s ‘IMocaptain’ tool. Kevin Wooley was one of the system’s champions from the beginning. As a general motion capture expert, he was IMocap’s main ‘power user’ and was instrumental in the design of the overall system, including the design of the bands.”

Knoll说:“Steve拥有计算机视觉博士学位,是ILM的M.A.R.S.跟踪系统第一版的原作者,他还因此在2001年获得了AMPAS技术成就奖。”Colin Davidson是IMocap的主要开发者之一。拥有计算机视觉博士学位的科林负责《加勒比海盗2》的核心解决方案。Brett Allen是另一位计算机视觉博士,也是《加勒比海盗2》之后开发的核心工程师之一,他还开发了ILM的“IMocaptain”工具。Kevin Wooley从一开始就是这个系统的拥护者之一。作为一名普通的动作捕捉专家,他是IMocap的主要‘高级用户’,并在整个系统的设计中发挥了重要作用,包括带子的设计。”

Mike Sanders was also a key person involved in the development of IMocap, leading the hardware/prototype/production side of things, and in particular the design of the suits and bands. He would also go on to supervise several IMocap productions at ILM. 

Mike Sanders也是IMocap开发的关键人物,他负责硬件/原型/生产方面的工作,特别是服装和腕带的设计。他还将继续在ILM监督几部IMocap的制作。

Now, back to the IMocap Bands.The R&D team at ILM realized that, by using rigid objects of known size and pattern that could be modeled in software, it wasn’t necessary for each ‘marker’ to be visible from multiple camera views. This is, of course, where IMocap differs from most optical mocap systems.


“Unlike tracking markers with an optical mocap system,” states Knoll, “which requires a marker to be visible from multiple cameras in order to triangulate its position,if enough points around a band are visible, even from only a single view, we can solve its position and orientation in 3D space.


Ultimately, the bands would be placed around each body part of the actor; the upper arm, lower arm, upper leg, lower leg, waist, shoulder, head, chest. Then each band was modeled as a piece of geometry wrapped around an oval.The result – as Knoll and Hickel had hoped – was thatILM could track the motion from a minimal number of cameras, greatly reducing the footprint on set.


The Pirates 2 (and 3) experience

Davy Jones actor Bill Nighy, and other actors playing his crew, wore IMocap suits during filming on Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End (the two sequels were filmed back-to-back), which took place all the way from controlled sound-stages to sunlit and water-affected outdoor shoots.“For most of the Pirates films,” details Knoll, “we only had one or two witness cameras and the plate camera. Many shots were solved from a single camera view.”

Davy Jones饰演的Bill Nighy和其他剧组演员在拍摄《加勒比海盗:聚魂棺》(Dead Man’s Chest)和《加勒比海盗:世界尽头》(World’s End)时都穿着IMocap套装(两部续集都是背对背拍摄的)。对于加勒比系列大多数的电影来说,我们只有一两个现场目击者摄像机和素材摄像机。很多镜头都是用一个角度的摄像头解决拍摄问题的。

The IMocap suits featured bands with white dots on black squares.This was chosen, says Knoll, because “we knew thatthe pattern would often be out of focus or motion blurred, and using a circular dot meant that it would still be trackable even when out of focus or blurred.


Knowing that the shooting environments forPirates 2 and 3 would sometimes be very dark, ILM originally employed LEDs under the white dots to make them glow in the dark. “This worked very well in tests, but on set it became impractical with the number of characters we were dealing with,” says Knoll. On Van Helsing (2004),ILM had designed and built custom active IR tracking markers for its performance capture suits, however, given the scenarios expected in Pirates 2 and to simplify the system, it was decided that we forgo the LEDs and simply find the most high-contrast material possible, with a matte finish to avoid specular highlights.”

